Hide subgrid add button (+)

For some user experience issues, sometimes you may want to hide the + button on a subgrid. This is how to proceed:

If not already done, download JQuery and add it to your webresources then add the following HTML code as a webresource in the form containing your subgrid.


<script src=”/webresources/new_Jquery.js”></script>
$( document ).ready(function() {
if (parent.document.getElementById(“subgridname_contextualButtonsContainer”) != null ) {



Where subgridname must be replaced by your subgrid name.

IMPORTANT: Hiding the + button does not mean users cannot create new records, allowing or forbidding users to create new records should necessary be configured in their security roles.







4 thoughts on “Hide subgrid add button (+)

  1. I have tried this code in a webresource to try and hide the subgrid add button with no joy. Is there anything else I need to know to get it working?

  2. […] For some user experience issues, sometimes you may want to hide the + button on a subgrid. This is how to proceed: If not already done, download JQuery and add it to your webresources then add the following HTML code as a webresource in the form containing your subgrid. /webresources/new_Jquery.js $( document ).ready(function() {…  […]

  3. I am using CRM 2015 update 2 .
    I have 2 subgrids of “XYZ” entity on account entity form i would like to apply different tooltip for each Subgrid + button..
    I have one question

    Is it Supported way of coading in CRM / is it supported to access controls by document.getElementById(“”) ? will it break in future CRM versions .

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